Let's help them🥺👊🏽

 Let's help them🥺👊🏽

                         Drug addiction is a major social evil of modern times😵. Drug addiction means excessive intake of legal and illegal drugs.

                                             This leads to many behavioral changes in the person😳. And also affects brain functions🧠. Some of signs include anxiety, increased heart rate, red eyes, unable to display proper coordination & difficult in remembering  things that means poor memory power😢. 

                  A person who is addicted cannot get rid from using them and unable to function correctly. They also lead to engage in reckless activities😞. Drug addiction also affects a person's speech and they are unable to communicate properly. They speak fast & hyperactive. 
                                They can go from feelings happy to feeling sad very quickly. When they stop using drugs they will feel nausea or fatigue. So that, they start using them again as an endless cycle😶.
                               Drug addiction can be fatal if not treated timely😵. As a citizen it's our duty to help them to overcome this challenge and help them to be a good citizen🙂✊🏽  



  1. Thank you for raising awareness on this issue


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